Reuse - Extend!

Many SMEs have areas of “Automation Islands”. Sections of the plant were purchased with their own automation but little or no connection beyond this..

It is rare that there are not profitable opportunities to extend automation co-ordination outside of the boundaries of these systems. It’s also rare for here not to be considerable unused potential or expansion capability, thus allowing existing systems to do more than they currently do, without major investment.

There is no necessity for the formulaic use of the most modern equipment. Many SMEs understand that re-used and second-hand plant is the most cost-effective way to provide capability and this extends to automation equipment. With the possible exception of IT equipment (PCs, windows operating systems etc.) most front-line engineering automation equipment dating from the early 2000s (and sometimes before) is extremely capable and reliable.

In the USA, one of the world’s most productive economies, Control Equipment manufacturers will often complain they cannot end equipment lines because Clients do not want to invest in the latest models. For these Clients, new control equipment offers no real cost-effective benefit, especially if new methods require re-training of staff and the scrapping of otherwise useful plant


Don't Restrict Supplier Possibilities

There are very good, widely supported and well known Automation Equipment Suppliers – e.g. Siemens, Rockwell, Schneider, Mitsubishi etc.

But what is less well known is that there are a great many very successful “mid-range” suppliers who survive by offering products at least as capable at often considerable savings. This is particularly true when it comes to interconnecting systems – the big suppliers want and think they can provide the whole spectrum and are not particularly keen on making it easy to circumvent their monopoly.

Within the context of large manufacturing facilities with requirements to standardise, this makes sense for Clients. Smaller manufacturers can gain similar capabilities at considerably less cost if prepared to consider other routes.